Saturday, March 28, 2009

red robbins/pinkberry& harkins

around 4pm my mom was going to let me take the car to meet up with jacky at red robbins but then she change her mind cause i told her i was going to come home late at night, so instead she drop me off at jacky house. chill for an hour, then went to red robbins since she NEVER went there before. the waiter who was helping us out really like us i guess cause we order one drink instead he gave us to saying that he was talking to his friend and he miss up the order and he keep giving us bottomless fries, which taste so good!
afterward we went to harkins to watch i love you, man. we were planning to see knowing but once we walk in the movie had all ready started and it was pack, so we end up getting pinkberry at the shoppes.

Friday, March 27, 2009

today got out of beginning of 3rd period to donate blood for the red cross. waited there for a pretty long time and seeing people pale faces after they got their shot. it some how scare me; thinking that it might happen to me afterward. kayleen was keeping me company till it was my turn to go. as i was waiting, i was eating like a fat ass.... donuts, muffins, cookies, and juice.
after an hour i got my shot, i went back to 5th period, and i was just sitting there in my class stairing at the teacher and the board. i felt little dizzy, light headed, i was spacing out the whole period, since they took my blood out on my right hand instead of my left so i couldnt do anything in my 5th and 6th period.
later, drop my brother off at harkins and then went out with my mom.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

today suckss. i wish i can rewind back and change everything; well at least this week. and pretend nothing happens. life suck and you just have to deal with it. as for me.
luckley on the bright side im going to sadies on friday and im excited. but having my phone and my text message away for texting in class and not paying attention is BULLSHIT!
im pissed of at my mom and everybody else. i just want to get out of here and go to somewhere i can relax and not think of anything for once. it's so stupid how i have to get STRAIGHT A's to get it back.
Ima take whatever it takes for me to get it back; even if i have to be a nerd and study SUPER DUPER HARD and pay attention in everysingle one of my classes and try not to fall asleep for about 2months or 3 to get straight A's on my next progress report.
I just hope that i can manage to do it; cause i know i won't be able to, but i will try my hardest!!!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

ever feel like something is bothering but you just want to hide it, and later on just want to cry all about it so you can let your feeling out?!
how sometimes things dont work out what you want it to be.
and no matter how hard you put yourself into and give it 100%, yet you get nothing back; but you try and that's all it takes.
well this week i been ups and down, and trying to forget what has happen and just move on. but i cant....
its been hard lately to just forget what happen and move on. i mean everything happens for a reason right?! and when things goes wrong you just got to look on the bright side and think postive.
im really glad that someone who is kind enough to take the time and sit down and talk to me about some things, and relate to me and give me the courage to not let myself down and not to feel bad about myself and a wisdom.

i'm also happy that i have friends who can really me there for me and never gives up on me and always find a way to help me out.
How they can make me laugh when i don't want to and make me feel better when im down, and give me the worst hug ever in my life. ahaha. i think you know who you are when you read this....

right now my mind is really frustrated but i know that sooner or later its going to get better. and when things don't turn out right maybe it just not ment to be. i just hope that everything will be alright by the time it comes. and when it does comes i know that i'm going to be content and what ever happens in the past it is all worth it.