Friday, March 27, 2009

today got out of beginning of 3rd period to donate blood for the red cross. waited there for a pretty long time and seeing people pale faces after they got their shot. it some how scare me; thinking that it might happen to me afterward. kayleen was keeping me company till it was my turn to go. as i was waiting, i was eating like a fat ass.... donuts, muffins, cookies, and juice.
after an hour i got my shot, i went back to 5th period, and i was just sitting there in my class stairing at the teacher and the board. i felt little dizzy, light headed, i was spacing out the whole period, since they took my blood out on my right hand instead of my left so i couldnt do anything in my 5th and 6th period.
later, drop my brother off at harkins and then went out with my mom.

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