Saturday, March 28, 2009

red robbins/pinkberry& harkins

around 4pm my mom was going to let me take the car to meet up with jacky at red robbins but then she change her mind cause i told her i was going to come home late at night, so instead she drop me off at jacky house. chill for an hour, then went to red robbins since she NEVER went there before. the waiter who was helping us out really like us i guess cause we order one drink instead he gave us to saying that he was talking to his friend and he miss up the order and he keep giving us bottomless fries, which taste so good!
afterward we went to harkins to watch i love you, man. we were planning to see knowing but once we walk in the movie had all ready started and it was pack, so we end up getting pinkberry at the shoppes.

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