Saturday, February 28, 2009

this afternoon jacky came over to my house to run once again! first i didnt had my shoes on and i was looking for a parking space for her to park. then i ran back into my house and got my shoe then she told me to get in her car saying that we're going to target, without letting my parent know. we we're gone for like 15min and my parent didnt even know i was out.
chill at my house for 15min, then head to the park and ran for 3laps and hit stephen up to see if he's in db. walk up this huge steep hill and found stephen riding his long board. chill for a while with him and walk back to my house.
after dinner she show me this weird video where a fat lady was singing and she fall out of no where on the table. then went up and watch "black to the future" see how its black not back, it was all about black people. it was hilarious how nelly has a bandage on his face for his video.

Friday, February 27, 2009

today after school theres no practice today so i just went straight to ms.chui's room. then me and jacky start talking how we want bobba and we going to meet irvin there. then Ms. chui want to chill with us i guess & kayleen also so we decide that let's all go to lollicup together.
then i had a feeling that irvin is not going to show up like always.... but then when we walk in there he was with his sister crystal. and i was shock that he actually show up like he said he would.
ms.chui bought us bobba and we just sit and talk and at 6pm jacky took me to her house and my mom pick me up there and went to eat at costco.
when i got home i check my myspace and there was a message from "alien" saying that he cant go with me to sadies because he's going with his homie; which i ask him like beginning of feburary and just ditch me like that.....
so right now im really dissapointed how i can get rejected so many times, and i dont get how people just ask and it only take them one try to get a person to say yes to them. but whatever, it doesnt matter now!
i guess i just have to find somebody of my own species like jacky said. lol.

i guess this week i can think about who i want to go to sadies with afterall, if not im just going to go with kayleen. also jacky want to run with me so probably she is going to come over tomorrow after the race and go running with me. then i have to go to airport to pick up my dad; he's coming home, finally!. on sunday go pick up my car at my grandma house and maybe family gathering....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

yesturday, had family reunion after went to the shoppes to get our sadies clothes. i haven't even think about who am going to ask and im all ready getting my clothes. ofcourse the next day is SAT but im not going cause i know i won't be able to wake up the next day so instead im taking it in May.
so basically we walk around at montclair then met up with andrew at the shoppes. then ate at jonny rocket. it was pretty chill last night.
next week is hell again. but hopefully it rains for like the whole week cause i really don't want to run. but i'll get use to it sooner or later.

Friday, February 20, 2009

another week as past once again. yesturday was the first day of track practice; it was hell! but i was proud that i complete a 20min run without stopping well maybe walk for 5min but other than that i feel good afterward. unfortunally not the next day, i was sore, i couldnt even walk up the stair. it just been a crazy week, hopefully next week would be better.
lately i been sleeping, eating, and sleeping for the past 2 weeks. don't feel like doing anything, and its so boring just doing homework. i feel like i'm in a lockdown.
i don't even know what am doing this week. probably going shopping with jacky for sadies clothes, and family reunion on sunday. im so jealous that my brother is going to knotts tomorrow. i been wanting
to go since december. sadies coming up and it's at knotts so hopefully i can go. haven't think about who i want to ask. well i have a person in my mind but it just hard for me to convince him to go, afterall he's too lazy to do anything.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

another week has past; still waiting for my dad to get back from taiwan.
yesturday i was suppose to go to jacky house to look for our shirts for sadies but my mom didnt come home till 4 in the afternoon.
im so frustrated about this week; cause the guys that im planing to ask have a gf, and i dont want to ask my best friend cause he's kinda immature and its weird going with him. then i ask the guy that i took last year which he said yes to me first time i ask; then he change his mind saying that he need to see what is going on that day cause its still a month away!
Now i dont know what to do, every guy i want to ask is mostly taken. yet sadies is still a month away. i just don't feel like thinking about it right now; what ever happens happen. eventhough i want to go to so bad!

Monday, February 9, 2009

so it been raining on and off all this week. & it suck cause it ruin my whole weekends. my dad just left to tawian on saturday; just sitting here doing nothing but just think how i want sadies to come up all ready!
today, my friends are coming over to play wii, yet its raining outside and i dont know how they going to get here.
raining day does really sucks! i want this week to be over with and hopefully next week is better.