Friday, February 20, 2009

another week as past once again. yesturday was the first day of track practice; it was hell! but i was proud that i complete a 20min run without stopping well maybe walk for 5min but other than that i feel good afterward. unfortunally not the next day, i was sore, i couldnt even walk up the stair. it just been a crazy week, hopefully next week would be better.
lately i been sleeping, eating, and sleeping for the past 2 weeks. don't feel like doing anything, and its so boring just doing homework. i feel like i'm in a lockdown.
i don't even know what am doing this week. probably going shopping with jacky for sadies clothes, and family reunion on sunday. im so jealous that my brother is going to knotts tomorrow. i been wanting
to go since december. sadies coming up and it's at knotts so hopefully i can go. haven't think about who i want to ask. well i have a person in my mind but it just hard for me to convince him to go, afterall he's too lazy to do anything.

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