Wednesday, December 31, 2008

new years eve

in the past 2 days i been staying home lately. stuck at home and watch movie online, playing guitar hero with my brother. i just cant wait till i can drive then i would be going in and out of the house. but for now been reading NEW MOON all day; trying to finish the book before the movie come out. hopefully tonight will be better! & can't wait till tomorrow; spending times with my girls.

Monday, December 29, 2008

today been a good day for me.... this morning i begg my dad to take me to dmv for my permit test. we got in line and i went in but the lady ask me if i have the pink slip and i said no. she was going to let me slide but she didnt so had to go back home and get it. the 2nd time the line got longer. afterward they call my numebr i took my picture, then i had to wait in another long to get my permit test. well i was in the line i saw this cute guy in front of me. i just cant stop stairing at him. then i got in and about 5min later i was done with my test. i took it to the lady so she can correct it. at the end she said i miss 2 questions; i was so happy :) that i pass after 3 try ahaha. i sign the paper she gave me then ran out to show my dad that i pass finally! after i call jacky to see if i can go over to her house. then i call my mom and my brother to let them know that i pass. at noon time jacky mom tookus to montclair mall to eat mcdonalds. walk around a little, then out of no where when were on the escalator i saw the cute guy that was at dmv and i told jacky about it & she said that he look like alien and i was like are you kidding me he's better looking then him. then she said "it was meant to be<3">

Saturday, December 20, 2008

mount high

this morning woke up at 6:30am to get ready to go to mountain high with veronica and her family. i had to wait an hour in a half for my aunt to dropp off the equitment for the snow; at 9am met up with veronica at dennys and didnt get there till 12pm; and got our ticket. afterward veronica teach me some lesson about skiing. then we took this little chair thingy that take you all the way up to the mountain; and i almost got ran over by the chair cause i didnt know how to control myself, and the ski was like 50pounds on my feet. i try going down the first time, but i ran into people like crazy. i really want to give up but than veronica encourage me to keep going so like after 3 trial going down the hill i got the hang of it.
i really want to try snowboarding, it looks easier and funnier and its not heavy as skiing. so went down to find veronica cousin diana so i can switch with her. snowboarding was so hard i had to ask people to help me get the thing going. and when i reach the top i ask a little kids to teach me and he was a pretty good teacher, but yet i still dont get it. i try on my own and i flip twice and kept landing on my butt and my knees. an hour later im still in the same spot and trying to get down the hill; luckly veronica dad help me everysingle time i fall. i had enough with the snowboard so i went back to trade to the ski. the last 2 hour i went with jasmin to the 2nd highest hill the first time i ran into a tree and jasmin had to calm up the hill to help me get out of there and the 2nd time i tangle myself with the ski and i couldnt move at all so she went all the way down and come back up to save me so i just sit there and wait for her to come back up. it was pretty scary cause it was near the woods and i kept thinking what happen if a bear come out!? afterward we went to carols jr. to eat.
it was fun and by the end of the day i couldnt move cause my knee was sore and has bruses from the snoboarding and my ass hurt when i sit. the people there are so friendly. it was really nice; but i wouldnt want to go up there again for another a year or so.

Friday, December 12, 2008

1st football game

it was pretty chill tonight went to the football game with victoria, bianca, kayleen and jacky; and bianca took us through this tunnel and take us all the way to the entrance. but we had to turn around and go back cause the line was freakin huge. but we met up paige and had her help to buy us the ticket. during the game we scream loud as we can when they made the touch down. it was pretty cold. after went to get golden spoon and thought that coldstone was golden spoon. hangout for about 15min then left cause the lady have to collect the chairs and bring it back in. went over to the crazy people houses mental hospital or some shit. and it was freakin crazy; victoria and jacky saw a crazy guy walking like at 10:30pm. kayleen was freaking out in the back seat and me and bianca were just talking and looking for people. victoria drop me off first and yup. GOOD NIGHT!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

feeling better!

yeah jacky told me that mara is in town and i was thinking yes i get to meet her and chill with her again! first i went to american eagles with my mom then jacky call me up and met her at the parking lot. wait for mara at barnes and nobles. walk around the shoppes and listening to little 7&8th graders playing christmas song in bands..... THEY SUCK SO BAD. went to pac sun to get my application, mara wants some pinkberry... got that. i wanted pretzel and split it with jacky. went to sit in front of barnes and nobles eat, talk, and sing. mara had to leave. after me and jacky went to eat at johnny rockets; eventhough that place bring back a lot of memories when i was at knotts with my friends. the waiter was actually funny; cuz we were just eating and jacky was saying stupid stuff and made me almost choked on my food. the waiter guy kept coming by to see if we needed anything but we didnt. he came by with our check and then like 10 mins later he came by and we still havent put money yet and he asked if we were ready? when we finally did put money into it he only came to collect our plates and i was like wtf. and FINALLY he came and picked up and like 5 mins later he came by and said oo i forgot to ask if you guys wanted that 4 cents back. jacky was joking and said yes we do. but then she was like nahh. out of no where the people who works there started to dance it was pretty entertaining. then me and jacky were talking about marriage and she was like "dont marry a white person" it was kinda loud and the waiter guy walk back and he was like "what dont marry a white person?" and we started to crack up; the whole time he was putting his eyes on jacky ahha PIMP! afterward we just head up to barnes & nobles again to look for edward cullens posters went through like 4561206756454 millions of time. we decide to walk all the way to target to look, but we stop by borders first cause it was the closet store to us. but they only got the scroll poster its like $20 so forget that. next stop we went to walmart to look but it got sold out i was kinda mad and even made me mad that they had the book for $8! i got it for $9 but it was the lame verison. walk over to target to see if they have the poster there but i kept telling jacky "i doubt it" but we still went to kill time. we went and we saw nothing so i decide to ask the people who work at target and this guy happen to came up and i was like "excuese me do you guys happen to sale poster here?" he said "umm we use to when it was back to school sale but idk if we still have it but you can check at the D section where the furniture are" and i was like wait wtf furniture section; "umm no i meant like the celebrites poster" he said "oh no!" geesh took him long enough to get my main point. cardboard poster wtf is he thinking! we saw the book new moon and we also saw the price it was $8.99 we got all excited then we went to scand the price it was $13.99. than i went up to a different guy who works at the electronic place to ask if you have the book but its not hard cover. and yup he save our life instead of getting the poster we got the book it was worth it! and i needed this day haha thanks to JACKY CHAN!

Friday, December 5, 2008


yee... just gotta love high school with all the drama; boys, friends, GOOD FRIENDS, and teacher. starting out good with this week, happy to be back at school, and seeing alien at school and talking to him. until today ALL HELLS BREAK DOWN! and i would have to say today is probably the unluckiest day, and sadest day i had with my life beside i lost my sidekick like 4times last year. BUT friends who arent loyal, trust worthy, shady, treat you like crap.....
really brings people down. as for me my feeling was hurt today by the people who i love and i spend most of the time with. and just realizing that they can show different side in them. going through all the problems that we had together and getting where i coming from its really complicated and difficult. i would questions myself, "why are we friends in the first place?" if you dont get the point im trying to say. a person tells me that friends always come and go; which i happen not to believe, but now i kinda think it that way. and to show other how to be trusted, they gotta show it not just say it; cause people believe what you say but see the things you do gets the people attention. to tell the truth about me once you lost your trust from me your trust will never regain.