Monday, December 29, 2008

today been a good day for me.... this morning i begg my dad to take me to dmv for my permit test. we got in line and i went in but the lady ask me if i have the pink slip and i said no. she was going to let me slide but she didnt so had to go back home and get it. the 2nd time the line got longer. afterward they call my numebr i took my picture, then i had to wait in another long to get my permit test. well i was in the line i saw this cute guy in front of me. i just cant stop stairing at him. then i got in and about 5min later i was done with my test. i took it to the lady so she can correct it. at the end she said i miss 2 questions; i was so happy :) that i pass after 3 try ahaha. i sign the paper she gave me then ran out to show my dad that i pass finally! after i call jacky to see if i can go over to her house. then i call my mom and my brother to let them know that i pass. at noon time jacky mom tookus to montclair mall to eat mcdonalds. walk around a little, then out of no where when were on the escalator i saw the cute guy that was at dmv and i told jacky about it & she said that he look like alien and i was like are you kidding me he's better looking then him. then she said "it was meant to be<3">

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