Saturday, December 20, 2008

mount high

this morning woke up at 6:30am to get ready to go to mountain high with veronica and her family. i had to wait an hour in a half for my aunt to dropp off the equitment for the snow; at 9am met up with veronica at dennys and didnt get there till 12pm; and got our ticket. afterward veronica teach me some lesson about skiing. then we took this little chair thingy that take you all the way up to the mountain; and i almost got ran over by the chair cause i didnt know how to control myself, and the ski was like 50pounds on my feet. i try going down the first time, but i ran into people like crazy. i really want to give up but than veronica encourage me to keep going so like after 3 trial going down the hill i got the hang of it.
i really want to try snowboarding, it looks easier and funnier and its not heavy as skiing. so went down to find veronica cousin diana so i can switch with her. snowboarding was so hard i had to ask people to help me get the thing going. and when i reach the top i ask a little kids to teach me and he was a pretty good teacher, but yet i still dont get it. i try on my own and i flip twice and kept landing on my butt and my knees. an hour later im still in the same spot and trying to get down the hill; luckly veronica dad help me everysingle time i fall. i had enough with the snowboard so i went back to trade to the ski. the last 2 hour i went with jasmin to the 2nd highest hill the first time i ran into a tree and jasmin had to calm up the hill to help me get out of there and the 2nd time i tangle myself with the ski and i couldnt move at all so she went all the way down and come back up to save me so i just sit there and wait for her to come back up. it was pretty scary cause it was near the woods and i kept thinking what happen if a bear come out!? afterward we went to carols jr. to eat.
it was fun and by the end of the day i couldnt move cause my knee was sore and has bruses from the snoboarding and my ass hurt when i sit. the people there are so friendly. it was really nice; but i wouldnt want to go up there again for another a year or so.

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