Monday, January 19, 2009

highlight of this week,
on friday i was suppose to get my behind the wheel hours then i realize that i didnt have my permit paper with me so they cancel it, and now i have to wait another week to meet my instructorl; instead i went driving with my mom.
on saturday went driving with my mom again! got home like at 3:00pm. don't know what else to do around the house so went out for a jogg then read new moon. my cousin IM me saying that chris want to chill. so met him at peterson park, then decided to go to pantera park for the snow festival. had a great time there. didnt get home till 6:00pm and once i got home i took off my sandals my feet was sore as hell from walking up that huge hill.
then on sunday didnt do anything till later at night; went to the movie with jacky and irvin. we got the ticket for the unborn and we waited for irvin to show up cause we know he's always late so we gave him a specific time to meet us there. it was getting close to 7:50, and the movie was about to start so we went in. then during the movie he text jacky saying that they didnt let him in so i ran out to get him TWICE! and i ran back in and jacky told me that he left. but in my mind i was thinking that this foo right here didnt even bother to show up cause it was too late and the movie as started. at the end it was just me and jacky. afterward he was suppose to take us home and we got stuck at the movie theathre, but luckily justin was nice enough to come all the way this far to pick us up and take us home.

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